Saturday, February 26, 2005


Who Links Here?
absolutely noone, of course.


a stranger's grocery list, found in my cart at green*

Subject: groc list

mission figs, 12 oz
almonds (other oatmeal?)
trash bags 11 gal
salmon for dinner tomorrow
peas & mushrooms for dinner tomorrow?
baby potatoes for dinner tomorrow, if any?
greens for geese
lentils (french or persian or whatever they are)

Subject: more grocs

fresh dill, if any, for dill sauce. Otherwise dried dill, 2T.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

gravestmor { tales of architectural propaganda } � deus ex machina

gravestmor { tales of architectural propaganda } � deus ex machina

"While we shop, the machines find time to pray."

I like this picture.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

brningfield: �

brningfield: �

i sign everything everywhere with "<3"

it feels like a very signature signature


Monday, February 21, 2005


I exist here.

